Smart City: Normal Il

By: Diane Benjamin

Another reader temporarily sucked me back into covering Normal. If you didn’t know Normal adapted Smart Cities a few years ago it is likely because they don’t want you to know. See this link:

Smart Cities aren’t locally run, they take marching orders from international organizations that exist for government, not the people forced to live under their marxists ideology.

See this link:

A man in Ontario Canada spoke before his City Council and received a standing ovation from the crowd.

According to him, SMART is defined as: S for surveillance, M for monitoring, A for analysis, R for reporting, and T for technology.

Canada is just slightly ahead of the US.

Normal is on this path, sorry folks but it is too late to vote these marxists out. Their path will not be changed when they are so close to completing your cage.

The guy’s entire speech is printed in case you don’t want to watch the video.

Normal is meeting tonight, of course few if any citizens will address their government. Agenda:

7 thoughts on “Smart City: Normal Il

  1. Thank you for exposing this. The council meetings where citizens are allowed to speak and protest are horse and pony shows. The let people speak because they have to but they do what they want. This all makes sense. We don’t have a voice.

    1. Haven’t for a LONG time and the bigger the city the smaller the
      voice”of the citizens. As to the SMART acronym, sounds totally feasible. I knew from the get go that anything with SMART as part of it’s name was NOT a good thing.

  2. I would be fine with most of this IF it wasn’t connected to international organizations whose stated agenda is to submit America to world governance.

    1. If I remember correctly, the Normal Council got caught flying the UN flag many years ago. When asked about it, they played dumb, no one could answer the question and they removed it.

  3. “ editor Patrick Wood, 50 years of experience and expertise on technocracy wrote, the 15 minute city is a cover for ——>data collection bonanza for technocrats who design and operate them.”
    “Cities designed for maximum efficiency always reveal technocrat thinking that efficiency itself is the goal. Maximum surveillance allows for —–>maximum control to achieve even more efficiency. At its very root, this mechanistic thinking is —–>anti-human. The 15-minute city narrative seeks to —–>fool you in the guise of saving the planet, keeping you safe, and delivering convenience.”
    “It’s actually the gateway to —–>digital IDs and CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currencies. CBDCs allow bankers and or governments to —–>freeze your bank account because you happen to peacefully and —–>lawfully protest and express your disagreement with government policy. Does anyone remember the trucker’s convoy in Ottawa, February 22, when the government of Canada invoked the Emergencies Act and —–>froze the private bank accounts of law-abiding citizens.”

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