Sometimes the truth has to be said

By: Diane Benjamin

I can think of 3 recent times democrats changed the law in Springfield to benefit government, this isn’t “democracy”. I’m not a republican but I will never be a democrat because of oppression like this.

The first one was the Town of Normal conspiring to pass a law to exempt ONLY Normal from the law governing incorporated towns. Thank Sharon Chung for sponsoring the bill in the House.

CIRA got a law passed allowing them to tax the entire county instead of just Bloomington-Normal. Of course the voters would have said no if asked, so they were bypassed. Thank Dave Koehler for leading this effort to tax people he doesn’t represent.

District 87 got a law passed to buy the State Farm building without having to ask voters. Thank both Chung and Koehler.

Illinois is a banana republic. It sure isn’t For And By The People. I heard all the U-Haul’s are booked.

8 thoughts on “Sometimes the truth has to be said

  1. I typically agree with you on most things. However, I disagree withe the D87 comment on buying the old State Farm building. They were open and transparent about the whole thing. There was no deception, this was done to expedite a sale without having to wait for an election cycle. The Pre-K program in D87 is top notch. They have 300!!!! kids waiting to get in. I am lucky my two got in. The program, the teachers, the admins, the staff, even the janitor are just the best. That building will be put to good use not only for Pre-K but for hands on trade type schooling for D87 high school students as well. How is this not a win?

    1. 1.) That pesky little election cycle is Necessary! We are a Representative Constitutional Republic. The people who PAY the taxes and salaries get to decide if that is how they want their money spent. The people who spend the money don’t get to decide they want more and then just take it. This is so basic. How don’t you understand this?
      2.) Get your children out of public schools. They are nothing more than indoctrination centers. Unless of course you want your children to be marxists.

      1. FEDUP, I would love to get my children out of the public school system. However, home school is not an option and have you seen the price of private? $10,000 a year for one. I have twins. $20k a year is not feasible.

          1. I have attended a few and plan to attend more as my kids get older. I debated on running for the school board when there was an opening. But shocker, I couldn’t find the application. It was literally buried on the site. That did surprise me. I have actually talked to my kids’ teacher and administrator about joining the school board.

  2. Sharon Chung has cost taxpayers of McLean county plenty. She and her party are firm believers in the ideology of taxpayer responsibility for everything. According to Sharon Chung and her party, the responsibility to fix everything is the governments. Tax rates for citizens in Illinois is either the highest or second highest in the nation according and according to the Democrats it’s due solely because of the Democrats. Democrats feel it is our more responsibility as tax pairs to pay our fair share, which they then get to allocate to their social programs and “fix“society.

    However, totally disagree with that. My moral responsibility as a taxpayer and citizen is dictated by the constitution and laws that are passed constitutionally . My moral responsibility as a Christian which is between me and my God and my family, dictates what I give to charities or directly to those in need. It is no business of anyone else what that is, nor is it the responsibility of someone such as a politician, like Sharon, or a city councilman, to dictate my moral responsibilities. Using the laws such as paying taxes for their social programs, which they worship as a religion which is, the government, is unethical. It Would be like a Catholic politician, forcing us, taxpayers to give a portion of our taxes directly to Rome, wrong.

    This goes into the migrant crisis and our local communities responsibilities and financial inability to handle this crisis. Already our schools are dealing with it. Even though you’re not seeing it or reading about it in the media because the local, mainstream news sources are choosing not to discuss it because of their slanted left leaning positions and favoritism. But it is greatly affecting our local school system and causing resources to be dedicated towards accommodating the illegal migrants that have already been brought into our community. If you look at the failing Unit 5 and district 87 state test scoring for the past numerous years, you will see how poorly our schools are educating our children in addition to all the other issues of gender affirming, pornography in the libraries, equity programs, dropout rates, $14,500 per student, the Covid response we went through the lack of resources, dedicated to special education, etc.

    The last McLean County Board meeting was a huge metric for me, showing the lefts ability to organize (bus load of agitators disrupting the board meeting) and intimidate our community and board members. Those same concerned McLean County citizens and board members trying to protect their families and county from hardships that will result from the exorbitant resources needed to handle the influx of illegal migrants. Already coming into our community. Not only is Chicago, busing them into Mclean county now but as the date gets closer to the Democratic convention, it will continue and increase. Has there been a vote on this and any council meeting to allow this? no. Was there a vote to try to stop text pier funds to support it? Yes. Another example of politicians doing things without voter approval.

    Just like the rules committee did a revote after Mr. Wendt left, which was against board rules at the last rules committee meeting. Even though they knew that that was against the rules, and in fact, one of the Democrats was in a zoom call, which is an absentee and they showed him as present which is also breaking the rules of the board. Has anything been done about this? Was there a special meeting called? These are the types of elected officials we have is that integrity? Do we value integrity anymore? Or is ideology the driving force behind a parties goal and ultimately the only desire above all things? Ideology above Ethics, Integrity, Truth, right? It appears as though to me the left the Democrats have goals in mind and “bar the gates”, if you are in their way.

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