Election on Issues or Attacks?

By:  Diane Benjamin

The local press needs to decide if they are media or propaganda machines for Tari Renner.

The people behind the Facebook page attacking Kevin Lower are Renner supporters.  This is a tweet from one of them proving the connection to Renner:

Justin Boyd is Renner’s campaign chairman.  The vile people behind the Facebook page love to tweet.  Here’s more from Takingbackthebird:

That tweet is moderate, I’ve got dozens of profanity laced tweets which is why they are largely ignored on Twitter.  They moved to Facebook where WJBC gave them a bigger platform.  WJBC can see more of their attack comments by reading their own Facebook story.

If the media wants to use these vile people as a source for news, they are only discrediting themselves.  One of them commented here they have more attacks on Kevin planned.

Evidently policies don’t matter in this election since Renner can’t run on his record of raising numerous taxes and adding $47 million to the budget while usurping capitalism by subsidizing businesses he prefers.  Economic Development isn’t picking winners and losers.  The media ignores that fact.

If Renner doesn’t call off his attack dogs I will show everybody who these Renner supporters are!  If the media wants to play the FAKE NEWS game by reporting their twisted ideology, I will expose them too.  It looks like WJBC is the worst offender so far.  This can be a civil election based on facts or it can get very uncivil.  The choice is up to the media.  These losers can post anything they want.  If the media reports what they say as fact they prove they really are FAKE NEWS.

Maybe the media should ask questions about Tari’s campaign contributions.  What do they expect for their money?  https://www.elections.il.gov/CampaignDisclosure/CommitteeDetail.aspx?id=rENAffSi%2b3TqPmVfcWLMWA%3d%3d



43 thoughts on “Election on Issues or Attacks?

  1. Ooooooooooo juicy! I see a Pulitzer in the works for you Patriot. Maybe a medal of Freedom, nay NOBEL PEACE PRIZE.

      1. Do you write this blog so people WON’T read it or comment? I am confused. How is that stalking you? What I would really like to know is what FACTS has the Anti-Lower page OR WJBC have gotten wrong? I understand you don’t like what is being said but there’s a difference. I am sure you won’t post this but I just want it noted that I am reaching out to YOU trying to find some sort of issue that we can start a real discussion. Or is that infringing to deep into your “safe space”? Please take a deep breath before responding. You seem really worked up today.

        1. You saw what you wanted to see with no background or facts. A lot of other people didn’t see racism in the comment. You need something better. Everybody isn’t a racist and the left has worn that one out claiming they are.

    1. Hmmm. A Nobel Peace Prize would put this author at the same caliber as the progressive, former President Obama. Civility is the hallmark of civilization and the basis of American society. The high road is for intelligent, critical thinkers.

    2. SG, half truths are not facts. Perhaps the civilized thing to have been done would be talk directly to Alderman Lower about the Facebook instead of anonymously presenting it to the radio station for shock value. You say you are reaching out to discuss issues. What issues do you wish to discuss? Fiscal issues that affect the entire community? How about safety? How about job creation (other than minimum wage) to provide a better standard of living for all? From my perspective, your goal is to agitate rather than have a discussion.

      1. I want to talk about how Lower plans to represent all members of the community while having such a blind spot to his own biases. There are more instances I would like to address with Kevin however, he either deletes/blocks on Facebook, or doesn’t show up to events that would be conducive to a discussion. Sorry you don’t feel that discrimination of all minority groups isn’t as important as your precious tax dollar but this issue is vitally important to the non-mittenpaws members of the community.

        1. It’s funny that you think Renner is representing all of the community! He despises anybody with conservative values. Lower has held large Town hall meetings and participated in all the debates. If your questions weren’t answered, contact him on his website. I can tell you that conservatives believe all people matter equally. Segregating people like the Democrats do is divisive and accomplishes nothing other than keep the groups from discussing issues together. Nobody should have special rights or be denied any rights because of who they are. If you think minorities have some special right to things nobody else has, the discussion is over. They don’t. Equal treatment for all under the law.

      2. SG, when you have a better grasp of economics, there can be a productive conversation. Burdensome, regressive taxation has a negative affect on everyone but mostly on the working poor of all ethnicities and races. Fiscally conservative individuals like myself are color blind and promote upward mobility and equal opportunity for all. So as not to misrepresent myself, mittenpaws hide claws.

    3. Not in this age of fake news! No way the fake media will allow ANYONE who gives a care about the truth to get an award. Look at the latest award for “caring for women” given to wait for it: Hillary Clinton then rape enabler.

    4. SG, you ask, ” What I would really like to know is what FACTS has the Anti-Lower page OR WJBC have gotten wrong?”

      Well, you/they purposefully didn’t include the following statement that was posted on Mr. Pershing’s Facebook page. Therefore, only half of the “truth” was disseminated making it “Fake News” aka lies.

      “Those who want to escape “racism”, have the freedom to gather their processions, and buy a one way ticket to the land of their ancestors. They can take all the free knowledge available on the internet, and use all the resources in Africa, and could possible become the next super power!” J.x. Pershing 12/30/14

      This shows Alderman Lower’s response on 12/30/14 was to a comment relating to economics.

  2. Renner’s campaign appears to be almost 100% funded by the unions (and a garbage service). I guess that explains why the number of city employees continues to grow and we have yet to see any services outsourced.

    1. So you have no facts then Diane? You are just making wild accusations? Wouldn’t that make your little article here an opinion piece. I asked you WHAT is the Fake News you are always harping about. You seem to be commenting specifically that this group has no idea what they are talking about yet you cannot point to ONE fact that they have gotten wrong? Just your opinion? What about the other items they have posted? Feel free to pick any one thing and we can start a discussion there. How dare you try to pass your little fluff piece off as actual journalism. You are a blogger with an axe to grind. If you would be honest about that I could totally respect it. And threatening to “expose” private citizens. Walking a thin line there Diane.

      1. This is so ironic. Who has taken it upon themselves to “expose” someone’s private Facebook page.

      2. SG, note that I said PRIVATE FACEBOOK page. No one is scrolling (or is it trolling) and providing comments or links from other candidate’s PRIVATE FACEBOOK page to the public media. Politics does not have to be ugly. It should not be a “blood sport.”

      3. Funny! The Bloomington Deserves…Facebook page has a VERY specific axe to grind. It has a specific target.

  3. FAKE NEWS again. It’s ironic you’re railing against it but continually trying to pass your “news” off as reality while threatening private citizens.

    1. What would be the point of publishing tweets of someone because I am asking you to back up YOUR story with facts?? Prove you AREN’T being vindictive and petty. That, maybe, you have even the smallest grain of professionalism or integrity. Otherwise you just appear bitter and unhinged.

      1. This comment went to the spam folder, I just found it. If the media does more stories based on your lame postsd, my posting your tweets would be vindictive! The media is obviously in Renner’s pocket, so Lower needs somebody looking out for him. I will not let you steamroll him without consequences.

  4. Personally, I wouldn’t give these folks the time of day, as IF they are too blind to OBSERVE that our infrastructure in BOTH towns need serious attention. Then that is what Abraham Lincoln was talking about when he said his dog has the SAME problem with fleas! “There’s ALWAYS a few he just can’t reach”!
    I’d be more then HAPPY to throw in for a drum for them to beat on….

    1. Diane, are you going to take Ian “Chickenshit” Bayne’s tactic of calling people’s mothers and places of business? Hahaha

    2. That is definitely not me, I ain’t got time for that shit nor do I care enough. But I do think I am going to start messing with Jim Ardis because that seems more important to me right now even though this Bloomington mayoral race is the wackiest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen in local politics.

      1. Lyzz can you try for a minute to control your potty mouth? Maybe work on your grammar as well? BTW you are quite right about the wackiest thing you’ve ever seen in local politics as most of that theatre is coming from the side you defend.

  5. Good job Diane! You’ve really got the attention of the local psycho marxist libtards lately. Obviously they’re feeling threatened not finding anything credible on good honest and patriotic candidates so they just make things up.

    1. Questioning authority is the most patriotic thing we can do as citizens. We are both doing it- we just come from polar political/philosophical mindsets.

      1. Yes I agree that you’re bi-polar! Lucky for you Lyzz that there is medication for that.

  6. explain to me why a CHICAGO pac is contributing to a mayor in a small down like Bloom?
    Could it be that Chicago and Bloomington are on the route that the drug dealers use?

  7. I read a comment on the hateful Facebook page in question. Someone posted a comment about Kevin’s wife praying for the people attacking them. One of them replied ‘hail satan!” These are truly evil people who bully and intimidate.

      1. why you need a screen shot i was praying to satan to smite you with hot flashes

      1. I believe we have been here the whole time jester! 😉 Diane why do you feel Lower is being steamrolled? I am so confused by you. Lower came on the radio and discussed the issue himself. How is what this Facebook group doing, any different than what you do? Are us liberal snowflakes just supposed to hold a sign, or what would you find acceptable campaigning. Should we not research our candidates? If we find something questionable should we just send it to out by courier pigeon? If Lower needs the woman he calls “crazy” over and over again to defend him then a couple of folks on Facebook are the LEAST of his problems. Also, if you think I have any issue with asking Lower these questions in person, then you don’t know me very well. I plan to ask him at the next event. I hope that he would spend time addressing the oppositions issues like Marc Tiritilli. Turns out a lot of our views aren’t that different. Marc turned out to be reasonable. I will wait for you to fish this comment out of the “spam” folder as well.

  8. I find this WHOLE correspondence kind of “ironic” in the the “lefties” are calling right believing folks “narrow minded”, “racists” and such, but yet they are using a “right leaning” blog to air their laundry. Where’s THEIR blog?

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