Do you think kids are e-learning? Not Unit 5

By:  Diane Benjamin

District 87 has a statement on their website expecting kids to E-Learn: 19 Update

Unit 5 has this statement:

act of God

Act of God?

Evidently God isn’t banned in schools when he can be used as an excuse!

District 87 uses the same terminology but they are still E-Learning anyway.

I heard from one source part of the problem at Unit 5 is E-Learning software that nobody knows how to work.

What have you heard?

Whatever the real reason, Unit 5 kids are on vacation.


Comment emailed to me:

My grandkids go to unit 5 and their parents were told the the state did not approve the program they wanted to use. Evidently the state has to “approve” online learning.








5 thoughts on “Do you think kids are e-learning? Not Unit 5

  1. Act of God? Can anyone tell the truth about anything? Act of China and very likely intentional.

  2. Amazing. So, the separation of church and state is waived when it benefits the teacher’s union and educrats. They should be outraged at the reference to God. I guess it’s hard to be angry when getting paid to sit at home and do nothing. Love the flat out excuse-making by Unit 5. They’re not even trying! Remember this next time the crybaby teacher’s union and the educrats want more money and perks.

  3. well, john hershey high school and Christian liberty academy are using work at home. cla believe in God.   The fact of the manner is China is at war with us using biological weapons to bring us down. that not God, but it is communism. at what point will be declare war?.Mahalo! (Hawaiian for Thanks!) Jeffrey L.

  4. District 87 has used e-learning already for snow days. our kids were emailed assignments Monday and grade schoolers are getting additional packets of work mailed to the house. There are many options available. This is an example why when I purchased a home it was not in unit 5.

  5. Teacher’s Union. That’s all you need to know. The lab schools at ISU are e-learning. Big difference…no union.

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