Town massage chair

By: Diane Benjamin

The Town of Normal owns their very own massage chair. It is kept on the 3rd floor in the HR Department. The door is kept closed most of the time so people visiting HR don’t see it.

I’m told users have a sign in before using it, the Town claims they don’t have a sign in sheet. The Town also claims the room is for nursing mothers which is likely true.

Does anybody believe massage chair and pumping go together?

This information was received by FOIA, h/t a reader:

The Town of Normal didn’t receive the chair free of charge, those “Rewards” are a result of spending taxpayer money. Therefore the “Rewards” belong to taxpayers. How many “reward” credit cards does the Town have? What keeps them from signing up for “rewards cards” to get more free stuff? Are they paying fees for the cards?

The Town denied having any pictures of the chair. We are supposed to believe they picked this “reward” sight unseen. They also couldn’t produce a receipt showing points used.

This was the follow-up FOIA request:

I am requesting a copy of the receipt showing points which enabled the town to procure the massage chair that is part of the wellness program. I would also like a picture of the chair. 

This was the response:

Unfortunately, the terms of your search yielded no results, and therefore this request has been denied.

Anybody buying it?

8 thoughts on “Town massage chair

  1. Will Normalites ever grow weary of the grift and graft that has become an integral part of the Town’s governance?

  2. Most likely while being massged in that chair your wallet will vibrate out for Koos or reece to pick up after you leave. These people stop at nothing when it comes to ripping off your money.

  3. No wonder most of the “uptown” folks are brain rattled. But, IF indeed it IS used for nursing mothers, I can sympathize with the nursing kids as they’ll grow up craving milkshakes.

  4. If the reward system offers cash or reduction of a bill then reward points are taxpayer dollars. This is misuse of public funds. Everyone reading this should FOIA for all reward points used since Pam Reece was give the taxpayer checkbook to manage.

    I am sure the sign up sheet became non-existent once you FOIA’d for it. I wonder how many times Koos, Reece and Council names are on there? I would like to know how much we have paid town staff to get massages when they should have been working? I don’t believe three are enough nursing mothers at town hall at any given time that the sign up sheet was just for them.

    I am sure the “Wellness Program” is going to be used as an excuse for raises, fewer work hours, longer lunches, more time off.

  5. The real question is =
    Where can WE the taxpayers sign up to use OUR massage chair???

  6. If the town has no record of purchasing the chair, then who owns it? Does the HR lady get to take it home with her if she wants? If I want it, can I go take it because they can’t prove it is theirs and not mine.

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