5 things you need to know

By: Diane Benjamin


BBQ Contest to Help Veterans

Two meat categories: Ribs and Chicken. $30.00 per entry. Cash Prizes. Sign-up will be open until slots are filled. Check-in with the event table. This is a time to prove your grilling talents. Sign-up can be done on the day of the event at the American Legion in Leroy. September 9th at 7 AM is the start time. Meals will be served until 4 PM. The event is at the park across from the Legion Post.  Cash Prizes

For more information Contact Travis at [email protected] or Call Art Rodriguez at 309-750-6787

Art Rodriguez

Normal Township Trustee

Chairman McLean County Veterans Assistance Commission

Commander District 17 American Legion

AMVETS Lobbyist Post 270 Commander


McLean County Board District 3 candidate

As a lifelong resident of McLean County, I have watched as our county has thrived under the leadership of those who have come before me.  I was fortunate to grow up in a well-led county, I have the utmost respect for those who stepped up to guide our county through turbulent times. 

Today we find ourselves in another turbulent period.  We need a county government with a clear understanding of our past as we move into the future.  I don’t believe we are in need of outside agendas or radical changes to our governmental policies.  We need policies that make our citizens feel safe in their homes and communities.  This is especially true in the rural areas, where budget constraints can result in slow police response times.  Growing up in southwest McLean County, I felt safe.  Today a common sentiment of those who live in rural areas is that they don’t feel as safe as they once did.  This trend cannot continue. 

Having lived here my entire life I believe it is imperative that people who love this country give back to it and serve.  With that being said, I am announcing my candidacy for the McLean County board, District 3. 

Thank you,

Brian Loeffler

Brian Loeffler
(309) 275-1670 – Mobile
[email protected]


Did you know that only 30% of U.S. adults and just 3% of public high school students in America can pass the U.S. citizenship exam?

Try it: https://prageru.typeform.com/to/XmlEvib9

You should easily be able to answer 10 out of 10, I did.


If you haven’t read the 45 declared goals for the Communist Party takeover of America, you need to! They have accomplished most of them: https://archive.org/details/45-declared-goals/mode/2up

On January 10, 1963, the House of Representatives and later the Senate began reviewing a document entitled ‘Communist Goals for Taking Over America.’  It contained an agenda of 45 separate issues (attacks and techniques) that, in hindsight, were quite shocking then and equally stunning today. 


In this document created by the McLean County Regional Planning Commission – PDF page 288 is this:

You are expected to be horrified by that 79% Carbon Dioxide number. Every time you breath Carbon Dioxide is exhaled. “Carbon” is what makes plants grow. Plants produce Oxygen we need while removing the “Carbon”. The easiest way to remove carbon is by planting more trees.

That doesn’t fit the agenda however. The atmosphere only has TRACE amounts of Carbon Dioxide: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/atmosphere/

The CLIMATE CHANGE myth to eliminate fossil fuels is a crime against you and affordable energy.

Start laughing at those who want to make you slaves to an unaffordable and unstable agenda! That includes the McLean County Regional Planning Commission.

The Marxists want you to quit eating meat. How long before people need to be eliminated to reduce “carbon”?

5 thoughts on “5 things you need to know

  1. Everytime you exhale you create carbon dioxide so yeah, they want to tax your every breath. It is,,,a breathing tax!

  2. Climate change is not an issue – just by using the term, you are partially ceding the argument before you even start. Unless you’re mocking they’re trickery:
    Climate change killed the dinosaurs, and they never switched to electric vehicles. Coincidence?

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