4 of 5 contributions NOT local

By:  Diane Benjamin

Campaign Contributions: Friends of Nikita Richards

Why are 4 of the 5 contributions NOT from McLean County?

Two are from Chicago and one from Rockford!

46 thoughts on “4 of 5 contributions NOT local

  1. Because the Chicago marxists have been gradually taking over Bloomington Normal. It started in the 1980’s. Bit by bit, they’ve been moving down here. Many came down here when Cabrini Green closed. All the violence locally can be directly attributed to Chicago. Also, politics has been greatly effected by the people moving down here from Chicago.

    1. So true! But when we “Infiltrated the (BLM-NL) Left” back in the 1990s, we discovered they had an organized and detailed plan to take over McLean County. They have executed it flawlessly, and we have been chums.

  2. As I recall, Renner got similar donations from the Chicago Union chapter—unless the local chapter is a Chicago affiliate.

  3. I’m guessing the Mike Matejkas of the world have something to do with those donations. Perhaps the “Chicago region” includes this area. Though, it wouldn’t surprise me if contributions from this area flow up to Chicago area Dems and vice versa.

    As far as the first two names being the same, I’m guessing that’s two donations from the same group.

  4. But she is a black woman who deserves to be elected because she is a black woman and just because our nice little towns are being taken over by Chicago hood rats and their proxy leadership does not negate our responsibility to give her power over us. Get with the program and welcome to Cabrini Green South.

    1. The Chicago Regional Carpenters are “Chicago hood rats”? With sentiment like that how is the Republicans party going to attract anyone who isn’t old, white and frankly racist?

      1. I want everyone to see what Cents & Common Senseless has just tried to do with my comment: Once again this is establishment or left wing gaslighting. First, I did not say that unions giving money to a black candidate were hood rats. So that is lying about what I said. Second, I was called a racist for not wanting to import low IQ poorly educated people from the sewers of Chicago. And finally as the Democrats self destructs our rocket scientist here lectures me on how the GOP is going to have a difficult time attracting people with my attitude. Note to Common Senseless: come back when you have an argument as to why we should let our nice little towns turn into Cabrini Green South without gaslighting. And FYI – your race baiting identity politics no longer works in 2018…. get used to it…. seems like the GOP is doing pretty well and will in November destroy what is left of the Democrats across the country.

  5. Hashtag, walk-away,,,yeah the adults of the democratic party are walking away. Only the screeching tyrants and temper tantrum little Tari’s will be left to ponder what went wrong. The milennial herd is thundering away at break neck speed. Red wave in November!

    1. Yes..the Democratic Party is in the process of assisted suicide with the crazy left wing of the party injecting the fatal drugs. I don’t even recognize the party that I grew up with…. After November the Democratic Party will cease to be a national party. It is hard to say what will take its place but I am sure that whatever is spawned from this current cauldron of hate and lunacy will be no match for the GOP for a decade or more. In the meantime we will be making America great again.

      1. Excuse me you did say that the your “little town” is being taken over by “Chicago hood rats”. That is the most racist dog whistle I have ever read. Hate? Your comments are some of the most hateful and derisive meanering comments written. BTW, Cabrini Green has been torn down for years

        1. Our little town – not my little town…. everyone knows what happened when they tore down Cabrini Green… the deal that was made by the Mayor of Normal at the time. It’s reality and these low IQ people from Chicago would not be here if it was not for that deal. Do you want them living next to you? You most likely have a comfortable house in a safe neighborhood? And you most likely wonder why we have hood rats and white trash shooting each other all the time in our former nice little towns? Where did these people come from? I saw if first hand a few years ago when I helped put away a Chicago hood rat crack dealer on a local jury. These people were NOT here before the Cabrini Green dump. My best friend from Decatur (who was black) just passed away and lived in the Decatur hood for his entire life. He was talking about moving out because his fear of stray bullets in the hood hitting him. You want these type of folks in our town? Phil knew I was not a racist and he also called a spade a spade. Black or White or Latino or Chinese – I don’t want low IQ hood rats in our town. .

      2. Now Common Senseless… your argument for importing and then empowering (with sympathetic leadership) hood rats into OUR nice little towns is? Without calling me a racist or gaslighting or lying about what I said…. We are all waiting for you to tell us your reasons for wanting to have these people here?

      3. We are still waiting for your defense of hood rats and their outside funded leadership trying to take over Our Nice little towns???? We are waiting Common Senseless? Hood rats got your tongue?

  6. @Cents & Common sense says:
    July 6, 2018 at 9:48 am,,,LOL, hood rats come in all colors! Realize that truth and shed that one misconception of your bigotry. And btw, red wave in November, enjoy!

  7. Yes they are in all colors… and I don’t want them living next to me… And yes the Red Wave is going to destroy the Democratic Party as a national party.

  8. Do I want “them” living next to me? Yes, I’d prefer “them” living next to me overwhelmingly over anyone like you. You are a racist, all of your comments drip of racism.”Chicago hood cracker”, low IQ? Just because you knew a black man doesn’t make you enlightened, in fact it your racially charge comments are abhorrent.

    1. Once again… not an argument to call me a racist. Yes, I don’t want low IQ uneducated hood rats living next to me… If that is what you want you should move to the hood. Where is your argument? Hood rats are all colors – I am racists against white (my race) hood rats? Right… now your argument please… everyone is waiting for you… So far you just say I am a racist… that is not an argument.

  9. We have been seeing here the typical Not-in-our-town detached elitist mindset where they are going to tell us we are racists because we want to protect our homes and our families from the threat posed by low IQ uneducated people flooding into our towns. These people live in their nice houses in their nice neighborhoods and will NEVER have to deal with people they think YOU and I need to accept. They are safe and removed from the reality of the ideology they push down our throats. They don’t live in the apartment complexes that are now becoming killing zones. And yes if people have low IQs and have no education, what exactly are they going to do in Bloomington-Normal to make money? Where are the low skilled low education good paying jobs? They don’t exist here… So the result will be_________?

  10. Your comments are pure comedy. You rail against “hood rats”, claiming incongruously they are white. Right. I call a spade a spade. Enough of your rants points to African Americans as your boogeyman. You’re not fooling me. Yes I’m calling you out, there is no “argument”.

    1. So now it is attacks on me? Ad hominem …. do you know what gaslighting is? You can’t gaslight yourself… LOL What is your argument? Besides an attack of me…. We are still waiting for your argument as why we should not fight against the destruction of our towns by hood rats? If Phil was alive he would be laughing at your jokers… never heard gun shots every night of the week I guess?

  11. @Cents and Common sense. Larry is right, he is not racist, just incredibly ignorant. I have African-American friends and would not dare talk about people in the manner Larry does. Doesn’t matter if I have friends of different races, it doesn’t make it OK to refer to anyone in the terms he is using. I never looked at a friend’s death or their background as an excuse to act horrible to people. But apparently Larry does which is sad. And Larry will gaslight himself in believing that his comments are somehow appropriate and gloss the veneer of his responsible citizen image.

    1. My friend of over twenty years would be going right now… shi… you don’t know what you are talking about… you have never been there… get real….. So now it is attacks on me? Ad hominem …. do you know what gaslighting is? You can’t gaslight yourself… LOL What is your argument? Besides an attack of me…. We are still waiting for your argument as why we should not fight against the destruction of our towns by hood rats? If Phil was alive he would be laughing at your jokers… never heard gun shots every night of the week I guess?

  12. Farmers voted for Trump because they hated minorities and cities. Trump’s tariffs which are taxes will hurt them big time. These tariff may be the straw that breaks them. The resulting economic crash will be on Trump and those that voted for him.

  13. I think it is really funny that they actually think you can gaslight yourself…. OMG – and as I said for quite some time, it is very obvious from the way the media is able to control the mindsets and the narratives here that the average IQ here is not very high. As our economy begins it’s decline and the demise of State Farm is underway… we have people here in town who blindly believe what they are being told. Yes and as someone who has been here for a long time, I can tell you the influence of adding over 10 thousand corporate oriented cubicle rats and the explosive growth of ISU’s bureaucratic class has not been very positive for our towns. Anyone on this publication has seen the establishment people’s tactics. Gaslighting… attacking us personally… it is all they have… like I said… not very smart and it shows…. and our towns are suffering as a result.

  14. Oh for Pete sake, poor you. Just reading your barely coherent posts it’s impossible to even understand what the heck you’re trying to get at rhetorically. Putting the word gaslighting n every other post is supposed to be profound? No. An Inelegant jumble of words just doesn’t mean anything. If you’re going bloviate about low IQ, perhaps you should measure yours. It could be lacking

    1. Right… more attacks on me? Where is your argument? We are waiting – Just for fun and (all the regulars here please bear with me) I will post the definition of gaslighting yet.. again for this establishment liberal so he/she knows what I am talking about. Here we go again…

      Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target (person) and delegitimize the target’s belief.

    2. Where is your reasoned and well thought out rebuttal? We are waiting for something besides you attacking me…. Seriously, is that all you got? Questioning my IQ? Come on put your writing where your ad hominem attacks on me are?

      Another example here everyone: Personal attacks or gaslighting… this is really all they have. It’s kind of sad in a way. More like pathetic I guess… LOL

      Are we not completely used to this from this type of individual? They think they can bully their way around on this site and end up being publicly made into fools.

    3. Still waiting? Everyone wants to know your reasoned argument…? Write it down on a separate document and post it when you get it all fleshed out. You must of course resist the temptation to lash out at me with personal attacks and refer to my definition of Gaslighting to keep you away from that sort of psychological trickery (Ask Rich: it was all the man could do). I would recommend starting with an outline (perhaps you remember this from school), this will help you organize yourself so you can put together something that makes sense and is easy for your readers to follow and understand. Now get to it and make sure you proofread or have someone proofread for you before you post it! We don’t want you to look like an uneducated low IQ hood rat…

  15. My “reasoned” argument that I’m somehow gaslighting you? I never read anyone who is more dazed and confused over any disagreement. I guess in life you should only have access to people who parrot your thoughts. I simply don’t agree with anything you write. It doesn’t mean I’m “attacking” you or making anything personal. I find your writing disorganized and irrational,. You want me to agree with everything you write, that’s certainly that’s not going to happen. BTW I said what I want, with the keyboard I have at hand. I’m not going to spend my life validating your victimization. You the one who brought up people’s IQ’s not me, so your being raise by your own petard.

  16. Hoisted by your own petard. Again I’m not wasting time arguing with you. It’s apparent you have too much time on your hands.

    1. For the common courtesy of the readers this will be my last reply to you. You have failed to give me a reasoned argument why the residents of our towns should not object to outside funding of candidates who have more of an agenda than actual qualifications. And why the people of our towns should not be concerned about the influx of people who will not be able to support themselves in the economy here. I could easily go through all of your comments and point out and explain every personal attack and gaslighting occurrence. You and most of the progressives and the far left shut off debate with the technics you so eagerly embrace. Black people, white people. brown people, Asian people are all coming to the realization that your Democratic plantation has held them long enough. We the people are now empowered to take back our country. Your barbs at me and your gaslighting of me (and others) will not stop what is happening. For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee…

  17. In conclusion…. my years of debating and verbal jousting with people like Common Senseless and many personalities and IQ levels and subjects has taught me to see the signs that they are tired of being pummeled and wish to withdraw from the battlefield. You will see this in his, “Again I’m not wasting time arguing with you. It’s apparent you have too much time on your hands” comment. I then summarize his failure to address the issues and then give him a parting hammer blow. I do wish there would a some point be someone in Blono’s liberal establishment who could actually make me seriously work to defeat them. So far it has been like shooting fish in a bucket of water…

  18. If you go to the Chicago Regional Carpenters website, they are actually local. The union includes the entire Northern, Central Illinois along with Iowa region. You seem to be overly concerned about a thing you keep calling gaslighting. How exactly can I possibly psychologically attack you if I don’t know you? That’s a head scratcher to me. Take back your country from whom? The only person shutting down any debate is you.

  19. I have a great video for everyone who knows and who has had personal experiences with Hilbots and their complete ignorance and brainlessness. This guy specializes in asking everyday Americans questions about all kinds of things on camera. He asks them if Hillary’s expansion of Sharia law is the right platform to be running on? Get ready for a laugh… and yes the Russian’s are the ones who paid for this video…. And I am paid by Putin too… LOL (don’t tell anyone)


  20. So…. have you ever been to Russia Diane and if so do you know Vladimir Putin? Where were you during the last presidential election? And yes we believe a high number of our supporters votes were mysteriously changed when they attempted to cast their acceptance of the rightful and should have been most magnificent President Hillary Clinton in the November 2016 election. No expense will be spared and even if it takes 20 years, we will investigate everything and everyone to uncover the truth behind the obvious Russian usurping of our election to install their puppet Donald Trump. And even if we have yet to uncover one shred of evidence so far…. I assure you we will find something…someday..

  21. Yes we have noticed what you do to the people here in your area….our perfectly brainwashed Zombies (not you of course Dollars & Common Senseless) are waking up and turning off our media propaganda outlets (CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times) and getting their news from citizen journalists and YouTube! This is of course totally unacceptable and must be stopped at all costs!

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