The $100,000+ Club

Open The Books has a new interactive map for Illinois which allows users to see Illinois Educators either receiving a salary or pension in excess of $100,000.  Click below to see it.  Keep in mind the pensions go up 3% every year, Pritzker refuses to put a Constitutional Amendment on the ballot to change it.  He prefers more money from you instead.

Downs, Leroy, Lexington, Heyworth, and other small towns have members too.  The numbers are from Fiscal Yer 2017.

unit 5 s-p

dist 87 s-p

16 thoughts on “The $100,000+ Club

  1. Completely insane to pay any of these people this amount of money. There is no way these people are worth these sums of money. And many of these amounts are Pensions? Really? Crazy and they are always needing more money from the taxpayers for the “kids”?

  2. Out of control and our legislature will not address it. I have asked Dan Brady about it and he cannot change the subject quickly enough.

    1. Brady will be in line for a pension above $100k someday, if he gets elected to a few more terms. He’s 18 years in, and if he has other public service years his GA pension allows him to transfer over, it could be even more years on the book.

      Imagine the resources the state would have if it capped pensions at $100k. If each person on that list dropped to $100k or raises were capped at 1%, this state would be in a lot less debt.

      I would bet a $100 mil per year or more would be saved if starting pension amounts were capped at $100k when you retire and raises were 1%. [Ex. if you made $200k when you retire, you pension starts at $100k, but goes up to $101k after the first year.]

  3. I disagree with the idea that “ALL” these people are not worth the money. Johnson David W is most likey the principal at Normal West. 1400+ students, 80+ faculty, and 20+ support personal under his supervision. 122k a year seems like a deal – perspective is important.

    Also it is important to note that the list is a mix of administration and teachers. I suspect it is 85% administration (non union) and 15% teachers (union).

    This is a great example of how unions can inhibit
    some individual gross income as the non union individuals seem to be doing well/better.

    The pensions crisis is not the fault of the grunt teacher(95% will not see 75k even after 35years experience). It is the result of failed policy and budgeting going back many governors both R and D.

    Gov. Thompson (R) introduced the pension system. Edgar created a ramp payment system (push off payments) and later gov. skipped payments.

    Lesson…don’t trust government.

    1. After four or five years of service, there is no such thing as a “grunt” public school teacher in BN and likely the entire county. Current base salary for a teacher in BN according to is $47,321. Not bad change starting out and working (to be liberal) 10 months out of the year with several days off, vacation, etc. After the five years, most teachers are eligible for tenure at least at the high school level meaning it makes it really hard to fire you. Take a look at most salaries of teachers that have taught 10 years or more in this town and practically all are $75,000 and above if full-time. Add to that that most work summer jobs that add to their salary all while getting paid if they choose by their district. If they coach or do a time demanding extra-curricular, add more pay. This is to say nothing about any administrator that has nothing to complain about. You would probably be shocked at my final salary and pension and wonder how the hell do I make it. Educators in this town have absolutely nothing to complain about.

      1. Correction sir, after teaching 30 years my school district pays me $55,000.00 and at age 56 I must continue to work because I can’t afford the $825.00 a month health insurance if I retire. When was the last time you went to a sporting event and complained about the players making millions of dollars within their 1st to 3rd year and only working 6months out of the year? DO you complain that Congress reports to work a few weeks out of the year for 200K or more? Are you just as upset that actors and actress are paid 100K or more to just make personal appearances for 1 evening? How sad that you are upset with educators who spend so much time with children with little to no appreciation.

  4. This situation is very sad. Anyone who draws a pension from the public coffers in excess of $100,000 should be ashamed of themselves. Why is there no public outcry about this ? Is apathy our greatest enemy ?

      1. I’m excited for the infighting that will occur when younger union members realize there’s not enough money for them come retirement time. Are they being represented?

    1. Hey… it is hard to squeak by on anything less than $100,000 a year when you are retired! Only getting paid $48 dollars an hour to sit at home is difficult….. I don’t want to see these senior professionals suffering! They have given so much and now they deserve at least enough money to get by and not have to worry about losing their houses or repairing their cars or putting food on the table.

  5. Wonder what our newly elected self-described Socialist in Bloomington thinks of these huge salaries and pensions. Oh, wait, if government employees make lots of money that’s different, right? They’re doing the work of angels. Wonder if Jenn would support a fair share tax on IL pensioners. How about Crabs? As long as we don’t touch his future pension from the Farm, I suppose.

  6. As a (former) Unit 5 parent, THIS is why my property taxes kept going up every year. Not “education”….not “for the children”……but for these outrageous pensions.

    As a capitalist, I’m all for people earning what they’re worth. It used to be – when you select a public service career, you forego the (usually higher) salary you’d get in the private sector, for rich benefits in the public sector. Now, they get the fat salary AND fat benefits.

    Because it’s all on the taxpayer dime

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