Opportunist Straza

By: Diane Benjamin

Ward 5 is now left with one far left candidate for alderman. Mike Straza is dumping his alderman campaign to run for mayor. https://www.centralillinoisproud.com/news/local-news/mike-straza-announces-bid-for-mayor/

Straza was the Treasurer for Responsible Cities PAC – the PAC the so responsible Normal Mayor Chris Koos helped form. Responsible? More like attempting to hide Irresponsibility!

The only redeeming value in Straza running for mayor is Jenn Carrillo will strongly oppose him because of his connection to the people supporting the PAC: https://wordpress.com/post/blnnews.com/82158

The purpose of the PAC is to buy elections. See the names of the founders here – none of them should be trusted to responsibly spend money stolen from you: https://blnnews.com/2020/09/02/the-document-you-must-see/

Ward 5 needs a new candidate. Mayor obviously does. So far Bloomington doesn’t have a Marc Tiritilli (like Normal) who knows what’s really going on because he has done his homework.

Bloomington is setting up to have a far left council and a Chris Koos mayor. Straza wants to re-imagine Bloomington. He didn’t explain what that means in his Facebook announcement.

Unless that involves cutting the size and scope of government and allowing people to imagine their own future he’s dangerous to your wallet.

Stock up on popcorn – after you book the U-Haul.

12 thoughts on “Opportunist Straza

  1. Straza is a Koos plant and puppet. Straza should be judged by his actions and the circles he keeps. Koos, Hile-Broads and Shields are in his inner circle. If Bloomington wants to avoid growing debt, ignoring it citizens and the destruction and rebuild of old structures in Bloomington they should steer clear of Straza. Bloomington is Koos/Straza’s Uptown 2.

  2. Re-imagine, RE-INVENT-isn’t THAT what TARI was going to do at Eastland Mall. Heck, the lights don’t even work, just like some “other” things in the area.
    Re-imagine must be the NEW catchphrase for “re-invent” since people have caught on to that and what it REALLY means!
    Re-invent+your dollars= MORE spending on BS.
    and THAT”s the basic math of it!

  3. Great article Dianne. Im glad you are way ahead of this one. re-imagine equals wasted tax dollars. Lollipops, unicorns and money that grows on trees. i feel for the people of Bloomington and honestly normal too because its usually monkey-see monkey-do when it comes to the un-armed robbery of the taxpayer in these communities.

  4. It is my belief that after the upcoming landslide election and then the indictments of Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, the left is going to go into hiding like tiny mammals in the Age of Dinosaurs. November 3rd is going to change America forever. Cretins like this Straza character will never be able to leverage their opportunism in the world that is coming.

    The next four years are going to be the Golden Age for America

    Get ready leftist traitors…. You are now on our list.

      1. We are talking about high treason here and other serious crimes. Things will be different after this election. We are at a crossroads in history. This is going to be the last time the Democratic Party will field a presidential candidate that has any chance of winning. We are watching and experiencing the death spasms of the Democratic Party.

        Trump in his 60 minutes interview today eluded to something coming from the Attorney General. He is waiting to drop this bomb until after the election. I think it is charges of treason against a number of people.

        Trump knows what the people want and he will give it to them.


  5. As I have posted before, all candidates whether it be council or mayor should be pressured to submit written position papers and also have them posted in some manner on all electioneering materials so the voters can see their “visions” for the community. Straight language with no jargon or buzzwords. Anything less disqualifies you as a serious and honest candidate.

  6. In my estimate, he’ll play ball with the local establishment. All the cronies feeding from the trough will likely be left untouched. I’d expect a flat line, wishy-washy, and unremarkable mayorship if elected. However, I don’t think they’ll be any big “catalyst” projects under Straza….at least I hope not.

  7. I see Jenn is already on the attack via social media because Straza blocked her and voted Republican in past primaries. All she did was hand him 100 more votes without breaking a sweat. The establishment rank-and-file can’t stand the SJWs in office because, even though they will vote for big government and spending every time, they are undisciplined and draw negative attention to local government and the community. Straza (or whoever is elected) will have their hands full with Crabs and Jenn.

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