Update: The story of Normal you haven’t heard:

The hearing was just posted for Friday: https://www.normalil.gov/DocumentCenter/View/20916/OMA-Notice—Electoral-Board-Meeting—12722

Proof laws don’t matter in Normal.

By: Diane Benjamin

Remember Normal claiming they hired a law firm when the three petitions were filed for offices that don’t currently exist?

Now it is easy to see why Koos and crew did that. The LAST place they want challenges heard is a courtroom!

That law firm sent letters to the 3 people who filed telling them their names would not be on the ballot. That is BULL since a law firm doesn’t get to say who is on the ballot.

Stay with me:

The Town Clerk initially didn’t put the petitions for Supervisor, Clerk, and Collector on the website. She only did after Stan Nord sent the email saying the law required her to post them. Shortly after the Town received his email the petitions were posted. That required the Electoral Board to meet and hear challenges – hence Dullard and Fritzen filed the same challenges.

Understand now why the clerk gave an Academy Award winning performance last Monday? Understand now why everyone present took shots at Stan Nord? In case you missed the fun: https://blnnews.com/2022/12/06/normal-really-doesnt-want-citizens-interfering-in-their-playground/

Stan threw a clog in their manufactured plan to have the 3 believe a law firm could tell them they wouldn’t be on the ballot.

It was staged!

Koos and company know they are in big trouble, so they launched attacks against Stan for wanting the law followed.

It gets better:

The hearing has now been moved from Monday to this Friday. There is no notice on the Town Clerk’s website where the previous notices were posted: https://www.normalil.gov/114/Municipal-Elections

The three people who filed haven’t been notified of ANY hearings.

The hearing is supposedly at 11:00. Since the Open Meetings Act requires 48 hours notice, the Koos Board will be in violation yet again if they hold the meeting at 11:00 Friday.

Thought I was done? Ha Ha

The only reason I know anything about the hearings is because the Town’s mouthpiece, WGLT, did a story: https://www.wglt.org/local-news/2022-12-06/normal-electoral-board-to-convene-monday-to-review-objections-to-candidacy-petitions

The REAL intimidation was by Chris Koos’ clown show against the citizens of Normal!

Here’s the letter the law firm sent to the 3 who filed, it’s junk. I can’t wait to see how much this cost the taxpayers of Normal:

9 thoughts on “Update: The story of Normal you haven’t heard:

  1. I figured there was a reason behind the informative email Stan sent. Plus all the drama. Kathy’s comments make sense now, when applied to the position of Koos and his minions. “This is bad, just bad bad bad!” Haha yeah. Shenanigans.

  2. Wow, talk about intimidation.Normal seems knee deep in intimidation tactics. The clerk knows her job is gone if she has to be elected. Her staged drama was an attempt to keep her job and serve her queen.

  3. Interesting that you may have the counsel the IL Dem party represent the town in an effort to argue against what they argued for a few months ago. I hope this goes before Judge Kording because, based on his own last ruling, these are necessary positions.

    You could argue now that Koos, Reece, and others are now trying to intimidate people trying to follow the law. Koos’ replacement of Huonker, who has a major conflict of interest, shows they understand that there are in a pickle.

    Perhaps Ms. Pomis needs to testify under oath, subject to criminal perjury charges, of who put her up to her comments. I would hope Normal citizens would want to know if there was any criminal conspiracy from Koos, Reece, Huonker, or others involved. Perhaps all parties need to testify about what they did.

    1. That all Sounds good, but it assumes these people will tell the truth under oath. There’s no reason ‘under oath’ should make any difference when experience has shown they won’t be prosecuted.

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