Why did Pam Reece tell WGLT?

By: Diane Benjamin

Remember when Stan Nord wanted to reduce the Property Tax levy by a mere $200,000? Then $100,000? https://blnnews.com/2022/11/08/kathleen-lorenz-proves-again-why-she-shouldnt-be-on-the-town-council/

Only Scott Preston sided with Nord on the tiny reduction to your property taxes. Karyn Smith and Kathleen Lorenz (and others) were appalled at changing requests from the “professional staff” during a meeting. Not Allowed!

Note both Smith and Lorenz want re-elected! 😎😂

See this WGLT propaganda:


City Manager Pam Reece stated the Town spends around $600,000 on Connect Transit operations. Actually the Town contributes $32,800 a month in capital spending (new buses etc).

$81,066.66 TOTAL – $49,166.66 Operating Assistance per Connect Transit.

Town of Normal Monthly: PDF page 9 https://www.normalil.gov/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/4527

Connect Transit: PDF page 7 https://www.connect-transit.com/file/836/11%2022%202022_BoT%20Meeting%20Packet%20v2.pdf

That means the Town of Normal would be saving $393,600 a year if they don’t contribute to Capital Accounts.

Of course property taxes couldn’t be reduced even a tiny bit.

Who much of the savings are going to the Underpass Pam?

Is Bloomington’s contribution eliminated too or just Normal’s?

Charlie Schlenker wrote this story so asking questions that matter didn’t happen. Celebrate however, new pickleball courts coming!

Evidently elections are coming, 2nd recent propaganda pieces. The other one: https://blnnews.com/2023/01/06/wglt-does-political-comedy-again/



3 thoughts on “Why did Pam Reece tell WGLT?

  1. The question that should be answered is if she knew and withheld this relevant information when she asked the council to rubber stamp her property tax hike.

  2. Multiple good citizens need to ask some tough , hard , pointed questions of Lorenz at the Council Candidates Forum this Saturday. She needs to be grilled – and if need be , put on the spot for the way she has voted and how she ‘ represents’ her constituents. Lorenz needs to be called out for being the sock puppet style gopher for the Normal elite that she really is.

    She prolly won’t show.

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