DeVore’s final response before Wednesday

By: Diane Benjamin

The hearing Wednesday is at 9:30 AM in courtroom 5D. Tom Devore will attend via Zoom. Citizens can watch on Zoom or attend in person. Either way the judge will know how many people are looking for a resolution.

If the Town of Normal is an Incorporated Town, do they have to act like one? Citizens have no way to force their government to comply with laws Normal doesn’t like? The Incorporated Town of Normal had since September to comply, they did this to themselves by fighting the referendum more than 2000 citizens requested.

How about packing the courtroom and Zoom?

Tom Devore filed the below in response to the taxpayer funded hired guns Normal hired. Don’t miss the bottom of page 1 and the top of page 2:

14 thoughts on “DeVore’s final response before Wednesday

  1. Sometimes Normal identifies a town, sometimes a village. I can’t figure out if Normal has a multiple personality disorder or if they are going for the title of being the the first hermaphroditic municipality in Illinois.

  2. Somehow, eventhough it looks like Devore has a winning case, I fear that the court will find a way for Normal to prevail. The establishment seems to win over the people. The people should have won the first case, but didn’t. Why will this case be any different?

      1. I think Devore should win the case and I hope he does, but I’m not confident that the court will rule in his favor. I believed that the people should have won the first case. I hadn’t heard that the case was flawed. I wondered why it wasn’t appealed. Thanks for the info.

  3. Didn’t Lincoln say “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth, except in Normal IL”

  4. Hey look everyone, enough of the negative, everyone that can go to the courtroom go, the rest of our supporters zoom in. We can and will prevail, Tom has really put in the hard work for us on this one, so at the very least let’s stay positive and support ALL the proceedings

  5. Normal’s antics of repeatedly giving arbitrary and contradictory excuses which never seems to be in the favor of the people is the root of our distrust.

    1. This is true of course. All the more reason to pack that courtroom. It definitely has an effect when the judge sees all those smiling faces packed in his courtroom

  6. Packing the courtroom will help. I do think you have to look at it this way. Normal has argued itself into a corner. If the judge rules in favor of Normal in this case, then one of the two rulings we have had must be wrong, and therefore, the town has a vulnerability.

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