Normal: You dodged a revealing bullet

By: Diane Benjamin

Rachael Lund spent a lot of time collecting signatures to run for Normal Town Council. Then she withdrew because she is leaving the area.

She saved me the trouble of posting stories like this one again:

Lund is obviously far left.

Not many signatures are needed to run for Bloomington Council. Those candidates get all or most of the signatures themselves. Normal takes around 500 signatures in case some are challenged. Lund had help getting her signatures:—Trustee—R-Lund—Nov-2022

Cody Hendricks – running for Bloomington Council

John Wyatt Danenberger – running for Bloomington Council

Krystle Able – on County Board

Jackie Gunderson – ran for Bloomington mayor

We know Able and Gunderson consider themselves socialists. Has anyone asked Hendricks and Danenberger?

We know Chris Koos would never circulate petitions for Stan Nord because they have almost opposite governing perspectives. It’s very logical to say Hendricks and Danenberger have the same perspectives as the other socialists for the same reason.

Both Hendricks and Danenberger want donations using ActBlue – the organization collecting money for everyone left of center. I wonder what the ActBlue cut is?

Ward 4 and Ward 6 voters have non-socialist options. See them here:

While you are there, sign up to Vote By Mail so you don’t forget:

I guarantee the far left candidates are out signing people up to Vote By Mail that never vote in local elections. That’s how they win, get the uniformed to vote for them.



6 thoughts on “Normal: You dodged a revealing bullet

  1. Any idea why Jordan Baker is no longer running? As I read through the list of names, I was surprised by a few. Perhaps they didnt know the candidate is a socialist. Unfortunately, too many scumbag socialists have slithered into local politics, laying in wait. More recent candidates are willing to be bold and admit upfront they’re socialists. One signer, Wayne Dillow, used to list Democrat for party affiliation. Now he lists Libertarian. But he signed a petition for a socialist. Weird.

    1. I don’t know Wayne Dillow, so my “Devil’s Advocate” may or may not be accurate… Libertarians are primarily people who got sick of the hypocrisy or corruption of one of the larger parties, so ‘L former D’ and ‘L former R’ are both increasingly common occurrences. As for signing for a socialist, some people will generally sign anyone’s petition, with the reasoning that everyone deserves to be on the ballot and the voters can decide.

  2. Andy, Kathleen and Karyn will rubber stamp Koos the same as Rachael would have done. The only thing different is the packaging:

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