Getting dumped on in Normal

By: Diane Benjamin

I’m not going to reveal who is doing this – the Town of Normal knows and refuses to take any action against the property owner.

This guy brings bulk waste from rental properties in Bloomington and dumps it in Normal where the Town picks it up for free – eventually. It might take a week or more for Normal to get to it, so the neighbors get to look at his junk until they do.

These two are from yesterday:

The neighbors have complained for years to the Town. Student housing in a neighborhood evidently gets preferential treatment. Property owners have no rights.

A neighbor sent me numerous pictures that have been reported to the Town of Normal. Since Bloomington doesn’t pick up trash from commercial properties, Normal gets dumped on. No, Normal doesn’t care about average citizens and property values. Imagine trying to sell your house the day more junk is dumped next to you.

I’ve got many more pictures, but you will see enough in these. What is the “professional staff” doing about it? Nothing.

10 thoughts on “Getting dumped on in Normal

  1. Typical, if not left in front of the mayors house, or councilman, or upper normal staff this type of activity will never stop. How about it Normal residents you are the ones that elected these people you know the ones that are to look out for your best interests. Not!!!

  2. If I put trash out before five p m on sunday evening or pick up the following day, As a homeowner I would get a warning and then a fine. This has happened to me in the past. Only once because I was not aware of the rules.
    Town of normal singles out certain people to push their rules on especially if you have interaction with them prior.

  3. Inquiring/anticipating minds want to know: Is there a FOIA forthcoming that shows how the Town responds to the local people asking for help? What is their justification for doing nothing? Curious to see how they explain it.

  4. Just an FYI, Normal charges almost double for trash collection, including bulk waste, as Bloomington.

  5. If this was the former Normal council member (business owner) that was ostracized by the entire board, the town would have definitely pursued a strong response including legal and law enforcement, immediately. But, this town government has those it favors and those it disdains.

  6. Just think of the thousands of taxpayer dollars Koos spends to beautify Normal yet he allows this!

    1. This is “off the beaten path,” at the corner of Cherry and Oak. The king doesn’t care about this ‘student ghetto’ area.

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