Normal is planning more debt

By: Diane Benjamin

Tonight’s packet:

This meeting won’t be 10 minutes. Most of the agenda won’t be discussed but a few items probably will.

Approval of the Uptown South Master Plan:

The plan does include no natural gas lines even though that is illegal. Typical for progressives, do it and see it anyone sues. PDF page 210 – google “passive house”:

Doug Farr’s plan for Uptown South:

PDF page 6:

Those buildings are listed beginning on PDF page 16:

Old Train Station

Wild Country

A 3 Unit apartment building – Town doesn’t own it yet

Dental office – the Town owns half of the building

Police Station/Parks and Rec

“Freeing up the land” means the police and parks and rec need a new home!

Central Planning failed in Uptown. If the two large buildings had been built on the Circle they could easily be empty by now. Office space isn’t needed after COVID made it possible to work from home.

Failure isn’t going to stop more central planning. Normal will continue to build housing with retail on the first floor. Linden will be put on a “road diet”. A grocery story the ISU kids wanted isn’t mentioned. They probably don’t know about the A&P they used to have that went out of business.

PDF page 40 – Amtrak drop-off: (Finally stating the obvious!)

The plan goes on to explain drop-off south of the tracks and maybe 150 feet from the entrance north of the tracks.

Since the Council has been indoctrinated in the plans it remains to be seen if it will be discussed or rubber-stamped. The plan doesn’t mention a new library. It also doesn’t mention where the police station and parks and rec will relocate to. The Circle?

Keep in mind Master Plans are never be changed. Once the Council passes the plan it becomes sacred even when proven unworkable.

8 thoughts on “Normal is planning more debt

  1. This just makes zero sense. King Koos is hellbent on this as his ‘legacy.’ Well, if his legacy is empty, over-priced buildings, then I guess he’ll have it.

  2. I guess no one is thinking about their EV maker that is on a collision course with bankruptcy and its vast implications for Normal? The last number I heard is that there are 7500 humans working out there? Not sure if that is accurate? This should be fun to watch…

    1. Again with the Rivian bashing at every opportunity. While you admit that you “heard” about the 7500 workers and it may not be accurate…at the same time you are certain of the “collision course with bankruptcy”? Or have you “heard” that also?

  3. Anyone else also notice that the pavement preservation project that’s being approved includes Pam Reeces subdivision and street? I wonder how staff managed to work that one out! I guess when you’re the dictator, I mean boss, you can have your street preserved while others fall apart. Must be nice!

  4. Rivian deserves to be bashed especially hearing the real life drama in the plant that goes on with wokeness of management. The EV market is a total sham and I too will enjoy some cheese and crackers as the show comes to an end.

    1. Burgundy gets butthurt at every negative mention of Rivian. Always suspected he is the p.r. hack they hired from WJBC. Everyone in that business always thought the Burgundy movie character was hilarious when in reality Will Ferrell has seldom been funny.

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