More comments from Normal’s Masters

By:  Diane Benjamin

More from the overlords here:

Chris Koos got the shock of his life when he only won by 11 votes two years ago.  He is even more scared now, facts are pesky things people aren’t supposed to bother with.  Koos found out people do care.

Below is an email sent by a former Normal Mayor.  He starts off sweet enough – then blows his cover.  Nobody is using false information in their campaigns.  Those pesky facts matter, until now the liberal media has prevented you from finding out about them.

Drive by attacks with no real facts!  Normal has a triple A bond rating because they will raise taxes with no discussion.  Bam!  Just wait for the gas tax increase!

Get out and vote!


Tuesday is election day and one six year term on the library board will go to a write in candidate. I have Lynda Lane’s permission to recommend her for this position. So please join Sandra and me in writing in Lynda Lane for a six year term on the Normal Library Board.
Also, as a past mayor I continue to closely follow the actions taken by the Normal Town Council. Please be assured the council takes positions that it is felt are in the best interest of the community. Each member of the council is a person of integrity. The Town has a great staff and is very well run. Services are outstanding and well beyond those offered in many communities. The town is well financed and has a triple A bond rating which is unheard of for most municipalities. When voting please do not listen to the negative, misleading and in some cases outright dishonest statements of several of this year’s council candidates.

Paul Harmon

5 thoughts on “More comments from Normal’s Masters

  1. Yesterday, I called Koos a Marxist criminal, and “RINO Jim” chimed in to chide me about my “demeaning” rhetoric.
    His naiveté about the evil of these monsters is exactly the reason they have been about to take over this once outstanding community and destroy it.

    I stand by the characterization, and what Jim doesn’t understand is that weakness, meekness, and mealy-mouth moderation play right into the Left’s hands. They truly wish to destroy us, and we must call them out and fight back with vigor–EVERY SINGLE DAY!

  2. Sorry….meant to post this in Diane’s previous article, “TURNOUT VERY LOW AND MORE”.

    Not that it changes the sentiment any…….My God, look at that scowling photo Koos chose for his own account–can the self righteous and self delusional evil be any more obvious?

  3. One must remember that these folks, past and present, are quite pleased with themselves. They are quite impressed with their own grey matter and believe the average citizen is beneath them several levels in all capabilities. To watch them operate in person and up close is magnificent to witness. They love the Average Joe to fawn all over them and are quite annoyed if you do not do so. They will recite you a litany of accomplishments if you wish and the pleasure will be all yours. These are remarkable people and it is our good fortune to have them rule over us. We should not forget it.

  4. Maggie, I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. And Diane, do you approve of of others who spew hatred like this Maggie person ? Church on Wednesday night ? Maybe you should go a little early and stay a little late.

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