Normal’s Comprehensive Plan

By: Diane Benjamin

Normal’s latest plan was written in 2017. It wasn’t written by Town staff or even the Council. The McLean County Regional Planning Commission wrote it.

It is 389 pages long:

The Town uses this plan to justify spending, they did it again last Monday night. This is likely why they claimed the National Fitness Campaign outdoor equipment fit the “plan”: (PDF page 216)

Refer to the pictures of people using the equipment:

Doug Damery (Parks and Rec) stated people probably wouldn’t be using it in this weather, that means it doesn’t fit the Comprehensive Plan. Since Normal doesn’t have any ski slopes, what outdoor activities are they going to create for winter? Constitution Trail doesn’t qualify as an outdoor winter activity?

Read the rest of the “Challenges” list. Oversupplied parking? Not in Uptown! Auto centric built environment? Maybe because people drive, government will never be able to force people on buses that don’t go where they want to go.

If you want to know what Euclidean Zoning is:

The list was written by people who don’t believe free markets see a need and fill it, government plans can obstruct it however. Of course if you have ever watched a Town Council meeting you would already know that.

Koos: Comprehensive Plan comment 39:50

Damery: Using it in cold weather: 38:40

2 thoughts on “Normal’s Comprehensive Plan

  1. Briefed the Euclidian Zoning article. You get to the end of it, it’s form based code. The code that has NOT worked for the town of Normal. It has failed and they continue to pursue it. Idiots! Well it’s other peoples (taxpayers) money and the King Koos Klan need their kickbacks.

  2. TON once again wanting to become the Midwest’s Tempe, AZ.
    There are plenty of sidewalks to scoop in the winter for those desiring outdoor activities.
    Next-Up will be requiring restaurants with outdoor seating to have water misters so their patrons do not become overheated during the summer months.

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