Normal tonight

By: Diane Benjamin

Town of Normal doesn’t think they have to un-pass the resolution the council passed on 1/4/2022:

Resolution Authorizing Participation with National Fitness Campaign

for Installation of a Fitness Court

Just because the “grant” was rescinded doesn’t mean NFC is dead. The resolution needs rescinded. If it isn’t rescinded the issue isn’t dead.

On the agenda is renewing the contract aggregating electricity rates. One chart proves why electric vehicles are a problem. The cost of electricity is already much higher than a few years ago, what happens when demand is even greater than now? Shortages do increase the prices, mass numbers of electric vehicles will cause shortages sand increase the cost even more. PDF page 51:

PDF page 69:

The Town wants to build a $4.9 million fire station and borrow $2.5 million to do it. (So much for pay-as-you-go)

$1 million was received from the State as a grant, the Town is only spending $1.4 million in cash.

See PDF page 77. The promissory note to Busey Bank is already a done deal. It won’t be paid off until 2031.

Take a look at the payments. The Town was a sponsor of the Chamber gala, cummings spent more money feeding her Youth on a Mission, Koos is traveling to a US Conference of Mayors meeting, and unelected people on the McLean County Planning Commission got $27,000 to tell Normal what they should be doing. (just to name a few of the fleeces)

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