Koos and his Rivian

By: Diane Benjamin

I’m betting Chris Koos won’t be installing a super-charger at his house to charge the Rivian.

He can charge it for free in the parking garage next to his Town office. If necessary he can leave it there and walk to his bike shop.

This story has a list of other FREE electricity chargers courtesy of taxpayers: https://blnnews.com/2022/04/07/making-evs-affordable-free-electricity/

If taxpayers mattered Normal could sell the R1T for a tidy profit:

Of course the part-time mayor who already massively increased his salary isn’t going to give up his luxury vehicle. In case you forgot, Koos was earning $18,000 as mayor. He now gets $32,000. Since Normal claims to be a City-Manager government, his role should be cutting ribbons. Pam Reece isn’t really running Normal? https://blnnews.com/2018/12/14/koos-and-council-get-raises/

I wonder if he paid the gas bills for his Mitsubishi taxpayer owned vehicle? Did he think he was entitled to free gas too?




17 thoughts on “Koos and his Rivian

  1. Rivian should have given the Town the Rivian’s to create positive press. Tesla and other rivals can spin this to make Rivian look ungrateful and a corrupt government’s misuse of taxpayer dollars.

  2. What’s not making sense to me is the $330.95 charge on Koos’ credit card to the Marriott in Uptown???? That’s another story that I think is probably unrelated to the Rivian purchase. Both, however, reveal unbridled opportunity for widespread abuse of a town credit card that cannot possibly end well for the taxpayers of Normal. Same could be said of Pam’s.

    Another thing I don’t understand is why Rivian is not giving these vehicles to the town of Normal? I find it hard to believe that Koos could get one so quickly by only making the downpayment on 11-14. Obviously someone at Rivian speeded up the process as a special favor to the mayor. If it was so important to Rivian to have the mayor of Normal driving one of their vehicles, why didn’t they pay the advertising expense and give it to him?

  3. If it was all about supporting Rivian and overall green initiatives, the illegally-operating town would sell this and use the profits to buy a cheaper EV. Rivian got their sale., so the illegally-operating town supported them. The taxpayers can get their money back towards things they want – not buying luxury vehicles for the mayor to use.

    Truth be told, Rivian would likely rather been able to sell these at their bigger mark-up. Taking these two vehicles actually hurt Rivian and also hurts the taxpayers because of tax exemption, but I digress.

    But let’s be honest, this won’t be available for the people Karyn Smith said to check out. The employees who travel will check out other vehicles, as to not inconvenience Koos, Reece, Harris, and McCarthy from their free luxury vehicle.

      1. My comment was more about them using it versus employees like Karyn Smith tried to claim. Huge for the Town if she is elected out.

  4. I just bought a vehicle through my business. I have to document that at least 50% of the use is for business. My personal miles reduce the deductibility of the vehicle in expenses. My sister said that koos should have to pay for the proportion of the vehicle expenses used for personal miles or it should be listed as a form of wages on his W2. You can’t just pay $45 per month.

      1. Quit harassing the employees in the city clerk’s office with your FOIA’s. They might show up at the next Council meeting and cry.

  5. The clerk’s office is withholding public documents to hide internal corruption. This is why the clerk should be elected instead hired under the thumb of a corrupt mayor and town manager.

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